Friday, January 16, 2015

Hundertwasser Architecture

Fifth and sixth grade artists are using cardboard to construct buildings in the style of Austrian artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000).  Click here to see our previous work inspired by Hundertwasser and more examples of his work.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000) was an Austrian painter, architect, and sculptor best known for his architecture characterized by colorful, ornamental, and biomorphic shapes. He initially gained acclaim for his paintings, but later became more renowned for his unique architectural styling.  In the 1950s, Hundertwasser began designing architectural projects. These designs use irregular forms, and incorporate natural features of the landscape. The Hundertwasserhaus apartment block in Vienna is one famous example. This building has undulating floors, a roof covered with earth and grass, and large trees growing from inside the rooms, with limbs extending from windows. He took no payment for the design of Hundertwasserhaus, declaring that the investment was worth it to "prevent something ugly from going up in its place". 
Hundertwasser was against monotonous architecture, and called for a boycott of architecture with straight lines, and demanded instead creative freedom of building, and the right to create individual structures. 
Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, Austria 

Fifth and sixth graders are using cardboard to make their architectural creations.  We watched this video that describes unique ways that cardboard is used for construction. 

Here are our in-progress structures: 

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